If your student feels unwell in class, they should inform their teacher and report to the Medical Suite at Student Services with a movement card.
The certified Senior First Aid Officer will attend to your student and contact you if required. The student must not go home or back to class without signing out from the Medical Suite.
Medicines are not issued from the Medical Suite, or administered by staff.
If your student needs to go home, Student Services will contact you to collect your student, which needs to occur as soon as possible.
If a student has a specific health or medical condition, an individual First Aid Plan needs to be completed and signed by the student’s doctor and presented to Student Services for keeping on the student’s record. It is also vital that all parent/caregiver contact details are kept up to date.
Please advise of any First Aid Plans using the appropriate form:
Students with an ongoing medical need that requires daytime administration of medication are required to have a Health Care and Medication Plan signed by the student’s doctor.
For each medication that is on the Medication Plan, a Medical Authority form needs to be completed by a medical practitioner or pharmacist. Each medication will need to have a pharmaceutical label with your student’s details attached.
Medication provided to the school must be in original packaging with a pharmacist label that clearly states the students name and dosage required.
School staff are unable to administer medication to students.
In some circumstances students can self-administer needed medication if their parent/caregiver has completed and returned the Self-Administration Medication form.
Students must not keep medication in their school bags or lockers as this causes a risk to other students.
Other specific health care plans can be downloaded from the Department for Education.